Center for the development of higher education and the introduction of advanced technologies under the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Center for the development of higher education and the introduction of advanced technologies under the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education in the Republic of Uzbekistan conducts its activity on the basis by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2020, №75 “On additional measures for organization of activity of the Center for the development of higher education and the introduction of advanced technologies under the Ministry of higher and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
The Center is a state institution, the activity of which is aimed at:
– improvement of curricula and research programs based on extensive use of advanced pedagogical technologies and innovative teaching methods in the activities of higher education institutions, as well as consistent improvement in the quality of the educational process, effective forms and modern teaching methods, supporting the implementation of information and communication technologies;
– taking measures to improve the national and international ranking of higher educational institutions, methodical assistance in the organization of technology parks, foresights, technology transfer centers, start-up projects and acceleration centers;
– analysis and forecasting of areas, as well as indicators of training required for the socio-economic development of the relevant industries, areas and regions in higher education institutions;
– development of proposals for the implementation of forms the training that can be implemented using distance learning and information – communication technologies;
– scientific-methodological support of higher education system, development of proposals for training competitive staff on the basis of leading foreign experience in this field;
– organization of analysis, preparation and publication of a new generation of educational literature in all subjects included in the educational programs;
– keeping records of normative and methodological documents in the field of higher education and documents under strict state control, formation of an electronic database and providing higher education institutions with them;
– development of state educational standards for the system of higher education, qualification requirements, recommendations for independent learning of students, as well as methodological support for the continuity of the educational process in higher education institutions;
– studing of legal and methodological bases of higher education training in terms of public-private partnership, as well as development of proposals to accelerate the work in this area;
– development of current recommendations on the organization processes for integration of higher education institutions with the requirements of research organizations and potential employers.
The Center organizes international and local conferences, forums, round tables and debates. It is actively engaged in publishing journals, scientific articles and books, as well as scientific research activities in higher education.
The Center’s team includes 1 professor, 2 associate professors and 5 PhDs.