The III International Olympiad on Financial Security is taking place in the Russian city of Sochi.

This olympiad is attended by more than 500 students and schoolchildren from 19 countries, as well as 10 talented students of higher educational institutions of our country in the areas of “Economics, financial, credit and economic security”, “International Relations”, “Information security” and “Jurisprudence”.

The purpose of the olympiad is to increase the information, financial and legal literacy of the younger generation, search for talented youth, stimulate educational, practical and research activities in the field of financial security, as well as the formation of knowledge and skills of a new format among young people.

Also, within the framework of the olympiad, representatives of higher educational institutions of our country- a member of the International Branch Institute – are actively participating in the 10th anniversary meeting of the organization for the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity and the prevention of terrorist financing.

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