On April 18 of this year, a meeting was organized with Professor Kobil Ruziev from the University of the West of England, which ranks 501st place in the international ranking of Times Higher Education.
First, the Director of the Center, Professor Mahmudjon Boltaboev, gave our compatriot brief information about the intensive reforms in the field of higher education in our country, their results and the activities of the Center.
In turn, Professor Kabil Roziev noted with satisfaction that comprehensive reforms have been carried out in the higher education system of our republic in recent years, in particular, thanks to the policy of openness, relations with compatriots abroad are rising to a higher level.
During the event, issues such as requirements for professors of higher educational institutions, mechanisms for organizing independent education, compliance with the rules of academic integrity, continuous improvement of the incentive system, the influence of artificial intelligence on the educational process, and an increase in the quality culture in higher educational institutions were discussed. Detailed information was obtained about the experiences of British universities on these issues.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to deepen cooperation between the Center and the University of the West of England and exchange experience.